Biography of Dan Brown

Basic data about the author Dan Brown, brief biography of his life and a complete list of his works as a writer.

Basic Data about the Author:

Dan Brown

Full name: Dan Brown

Place of birth: Exeter, New Hampshire, United States

Date of birth: June 22, 1964

Literary genres: Novels

Featured books: Angels and Demons, The Da Vinci Code, more books...


Dan Brown is the eldest of three children born to Richard G. Brown, a mathematician who won several scientific awards, and Constance, a religious music performer and composer.

He graduated from Amherst College and Phillips Exeter Academy, where he dedicated his time as an English teacher before devoting himself completely to writing novels, but not before having worked for some time as a musician and melodic pop singer.

This is how his novels The Digital Fortress (1996), Angels and Demons (2000), The Conspiracy (2001) and The Da Vinci Code(2003) were born, in which the love for secret codes that his father instilled in him can be found and echoes of the debates between science and religion that he heard as a boy at home also resonate.


Serie Robert Langdon

Other works

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Full list of this author's books by Year

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Twitter: @AuthorDanBrown