Book: I Can't Accept Not Trying: Michael Jordan on the Pursuit of Excellence by Michael Jordan

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I Can't Accept Not Trying: Michael Jordan on the Pursuit of Excellence

Book cover: I Can

Author: Michael Jordan

Genre: Sports / Basketball / NBA

Language: English


In this book the former basketball superstar shares his views on achieving excellence, including goals, fears, commitment, teamwork, learning the fundamentals, and leadership...

The most extraordinary athlete of our time shares the rules he lives--and succeeds--by in an inspirational classic sure to be treasured by his fans. Jordan shows how to set goals and overcome obstacles, confront fear and self-doubt, be a leader and a team player, stay focused and fight distraction...

In I Can't Accept Not Trying, Jordan's writes about the simple truths behind his self-discipline and passion for personal excellence. By giving us his creed, he demonstrates lessons the rest of us -- on teams, in schools, and at desks -- can learn and apply to the challenges we face.

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