Book: Rich Dad, Poor Dad - What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money by Robert Kiyosaki

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Rich Dad, Poor Dad - What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money

Book cover: Rich Dad, Poor Dad - What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money

Author: Robert Kiyosaki

Genre: Business and Investing

Publishing Year: 1997

Language: English

Original Title: Rich Dad, Poor Dad - What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money


This book will: Explode the myth that you need to earn a high income to become rich. Challenge the belief that your house is an assett. Show parents why they can't rely on the school system to teach their kids about money. Define, once and for all, an assett and a liability. Teach you what to teach your kids about money so they will benefit in ways you did not.

Personal-finance author and lecturer Robert Kiyosaki developed his unique economic perspective through exposure to a pair of disparate influences: his own highly educated but fiscally unstable father, and the multimillionaire eighth-grade dropout father of his closest friend. The lifelong monetary problems experienced by his "poor dad" (whose weekly paychecks, while respectable, were never quite sufficient to meet family needs) pounded home the counterpoint communicated by his "rich dad" (that "the poor and the middle class work for money," but "the rich have money work for them"). Taking that message to heart, Kiyosaki was able to retire at 47.

Rich Dad, Poor Dad, written with consultant and CPA Sharon L. Lechter, lays out his the philosophy behind his relationship with money. Although Kiyosaki can take a frustratingly long time to make his points, his book nonetheless compellingly advocates for the type of "financial literacy" that's never taught in schools. Based on the principle that income-generating assets always provide healthier bottom-line results than even the best of traditional jobs, it explains how those assets might be acquired so that the jobs can eventually be shed. --Howard Rothman - (from

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