Book: The Broker by John Grisham

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The Broker

Book cover: The Broker

Author: John Grisham

Genre: Novels / Fiction and Literature

Language: English


After being abruptly pardoned by a lame duck president, a notorious former Washington powerbroker is released from prison and smuggled out of the country, given a new identity, and hidden in a small town in Italy, but old enemies from the past are out to destroy him and his new life...

In his final hours in the Oval Office, the outgoing President grants a controversial last-minute pardon to Joel Backman, a notorious Washington power broker who has spent the last six years hidden away in a federal prison.

What no one knows is that the President issues the pardon only after receiving enormous pressure from the CIA.

It seems Backman, in his power broker heyday, may have obtained secrets that compromise the world's most sophisticated satellite surveillance system.

Backman is quietly smuggled out of the country in a military cargo plane, given a new name, a new identity, and a new home in Italy. Eventually, after he has settled into his new life, the CIA will leak his whereabouts to the Israelis, the Russians, the Chinese, and the Saudis.

Then the CIA will do what it does best: sit back and watch. The question is not whether Backman will survive—there is no chance of that. The question the CIA needs answered is, who will kill him?

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